Washing machine carpet and its process
2022-03-14 15:45:24
Washing machine-made carpets and the correct method of washing is one of the concerns of housewives at the end of each year. However, carpet cleaning is done several times a week; But because the carpet is usually underfoot and usually suffers from stains and dirt from food and beverages, the carpet is washed once a year.
A group of people leave carpet washing outside the house and carpet washing companies. On the other hand, many people like to clean the carpet themselves at home.
In this article, while examining which method of washing the carpet is better, we also refer to the washing solutions.
Washing outdoors or indoors
Which method to choose for washing machine-made carpets depends on the dirtiness of the carpet and, more importantly, the place where you are going to wash the carpet.
Washing carpets, especially large carpets, requires a large area where the carpet can be washed first and then flattened to allow the carpet to dry completely.
So if you do not have a suitable place to wash carpets outside the home; It is better to leave your carpet to a reputable carpet washing company in your area so that they can wash the carpet.
But sometimes the washing of carpets at the end of the year is done in the traditional way at home.
In the meantime, washing machine-made carpets is easy and painless because it has better color stability, washing is done at home.
How to clean carpets at home
Before you start washing car mats at home, follow one tip. Water is a rare gem in our country, so save water consumption.
Step # 1- Discovering Your Purpose
Before doing anything, specify the place where the carpet is to be washed. The carpet should not be bent during washing.
The surface of this place should be smooth and without bumps. Never wash your carpet on asphalt.
Ribbed stones are also not a good place to wash carpets. It is better to wash the carpet on a hard surface such as cement surface or yard mosaic.
Access to water is also possible. If you can, use lukewarm water to wash the carpet.
Note that hot water destroys the fibers and cold water does not have a high cleaning power, so lukewarm water is the best option.
Step 2: Choose the right tools
One of the most important steps before washing a carpet is to choose the right tools for it. Almost all of us are familiar with tools such as brooms and brushes and there is no need to explain about these tools.
The most important tool in washing machine carpet is the washing solution.
Since carpets are made of fibers and fibers, especially synthetic fibers, react in combination with chemicals and sometimes lose their strength, it is very important that the carpet be washed with the appropriate chemicals.
To wash machine carpet, be sure to pay attention to the fiber material.
If your carpet is acrylic, use industrial washing solutions.
Do not use dry hand powder under any circumstances as it will cause yellowing of the carpet roots.
Dry hand powders make the fibers rough and brittle.
Some housewives use a solution of baking soda with salt and vinegar to wash the machine carpet, which is better not to use these compounds as much as possible. Was to not paint the carpet)
If your carpet is a polyester carpet, be sure to read the detergent consumables, if the carpet shampoo composition is alcohol. Do not use that solution to wash carpet; Because polyester fibers lose their color in combination with alcohol.
When buying machine-made carpets online, pay attention to the fiber material
Before washing the machine carpet, it is better to dip a little detergent in a cloth and apply it on the part that is less visible. Do not use that combination if the carpet color is defective.
Step 3: Now start washing the carpet.
Sweeping the carpet is essential before washing the machine carpet. This is done to remove excess dust from the carpet.
Sweep the carpet in four directions so that if the fibers are stuck together, they will open slightly before being washed.
After the carpet is spread. First, wet the surface of the carpet with water. Let the moisture penetrate all the carpet. If your carpet fibers are polyester, save a lot of water, because polyester carpets can have a slight dent.
Pour the washing solution on the carpet and clean the surface of the carpet with a brush. Notice that the brush moves in one direction. Do not use excessive detergent solution when washing machine carpet. Because these solutions cause the fibers to break down
After the entire surface of the carpet is finished, clean the detergent from the carpet with the help of a high-pressure flow of lukewarm water.
Step 4: Dry the carpet
After washing the machine carpet; Place it high so that the water comes out completely.
Note that not completely removing water from the carpet will cause the roots to turn yellow.
After the carpet is dry, tap the carpet lightly with a stick to shake the remaining dirt on the carpet.
Once you are sure the carpet is completely dry, the carpet is ready to be spread.
Topical washing of machine carpet
Sometimes it happens that only a small part of the carpet is dirty and with a local wash, the carpet is cleaned.
This type of washing is mostly done in small houses and for staining. The following steps should be done for local washing of the carpet.
Remove the dirty spot from the floor with a basin or two baskets. Make a sloping surface and place the carpet on it.
Remove dirt from the carpet with a napkin.
Dip a dirty surface into the carpet shampoo.
Leave some shampoo on the carpet.
Rinse the shampoo with water.
If you have made a sloping surface, slope the carpet so that a dimple is created in a dirty place and place a basin on the floor of the dimple to collect water there.
If it is not possible to create a sloping surface, use sponge clouds or toilet paper to dry the carpet.
Vacuum cleaners that can suck water; use. The vacuum mode of these vacuum cleaners is suitable for drying machine-made carpets.
The final word
Washing machine-made carpets is a time-consuming process and all steps must be done carefully and patiently. If you do not have enough time and opportunity to do this, it is better to leave the washing process to the carpet cleaner.